Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I was inspired by one of my friend to write Blogs. Here i am with my very first one.

I am not a writer... so please bear with my grammar.

I did not have any great dreams for my life. Always wanted a simple and happy life. August 2007 got married to wonderful man of God, Who has a passion to make a difference in peoples life through the word of Jesus Christ. First Six months , It felt like there nothing in this world except for our love . .. Vegas,Disney,Chicago and what not. Next year passed so fast that we hardly had time for each other.

Some thing in my heart was saying "Its time to have a BABY" . Started planning for family way.

From 20th may 2009 i started asking God for my Birthday Gift. 23th May i came to know that i was Pregnant. Can any one explain how a girl feels when she knows that she is Pregnant...... Awesome feeling.Shared with my better half and took a promise from him that he will take care of me and my baby. Shared with my family . They came to visit us in summer, and we all thanked our dear Lord for His marvelous blessings . 9 months don't ask me how they went .All those Sonograms, Baby Kicking, wowwwww. Most wonderful days of my life . Talking to her , Reading bible for her, singing for her.

Finally the Day has come 19th Jan 2010.Hospital bag was ready way before.Me, akka and Rufus knelled before God and asked for his help. Took lots of pictures. Me,Hubby,my dear Sister started to hospital. Done with formalities . channged to Hospital clothes and on the bed. i cant explain how exited i am . No pains yet. Nurse asked me tons of questions. Drinking/Smoking/Tattoos/Piercing... etc. Big NO for all of them.

Checked dilation, to my surprise Zero inches. Way tooo far for the delivery. Still enjoying the hospital bed. Doctor gave me two options. Option 1 : We will break your water and don't know how your baby will respond , if baby and your body does not respond well, then C-section.

Option 2: We will induce you and give you gel. You might have to go for long labor.

looked at my sister and said Option 2 with the help of Lord. Nurse there said good choice and right choice.

I know people out there praying for me for a pain less delivery. hmm Pain less delivery IS IT POSSIBLE?? Yes it is by the Creator , My LORD JESUS CHRIST.

They gave me Picotin, Started contraction from 10 in the morning. Bearable contractions. I asked them to take out the medicine at 2:00 pm. Doctor asked us to leave that evening and come back on next day morning. But i wanted to stay there as i am enjoying the bed. Evening every one left its only me and Rufus. Then i started praying and reading the Word. Almost a day passed no baby yet , Was really scared and tears in my eyes. Then with my bible in my hands started singing praises.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;your rod and your staff,
they comfort me. psalm 23

i started having pains .. in the night . Asked nurse to give me some thing .She gave me pain medication. Praise God had nice sleep. Morning at 8:30 my water broke. I am only one and half dilated. To my very Surprise i asked for Epidural. One of my doctor in the team said yes (Praise God, the answer is from My Lord). then i was numb from 10:30 am. still not dilated.

My sister , Rufus and aunt stared praying . Room was full of his presence while mom and baby was fast asleep. DOctor came and checked at 12:00 dialed up to 8 . We all praised God. Doctor came at 1:00 said dialed 10. Ready for Baby......... Yeahhhhhhhh .

but Doctor is not coming , when Rufus went and asked they said baby and mom are doing great Doctor is attending a critical case. Finally at 5:30 Doctor came and said you did wonderful (Its God you know), and said its time to push. Nurse will help you . i will step outside and have to do some paper work for other cases. I asked nurse how much time it will take to push . she said hmm 2 to 3 hours . I am like hmmm ok...... very exited to see the baby u know.

she explained me how to push.. all set 1 2 3 . Push..i was just trying to push , from 10 to 1 count at 6 nurse said stop baby is already there. Rushed to Doctor , Doctor came back saying i dint even crossed your room. a Big push at 5:48 pm on 20th January 2010 My Darling Angel arrived .what can i say.... Great experience .. Thanked God for he being there.

I Thank and Praise God for giving me PAIN LESS Delivery.
My God is an Awesome GOD. Worthy to be Praised.

YES!!! My God is trust worthy. We can always depend on his promises.